Friday, July 07, 2006

Science Friday

Today's Science Friday dealt with the issue of coral bleaching in our oceans. This will continue to be a major problem as our earth continues to warm. As sea water temperatures rise, the bacteria which live in corals and provide energy in a symbiotic relationship die or are purged from the corals. We aren't quite sure why yet, but do know that high temperatures are the cause. For a good run down see here.

Global Climate Change, also brings us to the upcoming hurricane season. The same warmer sea temperatures are expected to create stronger hurricanes than in years past. We had a lot of friends effected during the last hurricane season and wish them Godspeed this season.

Climate change is also leading to an increase in forest fires and more intense fires.

If you haven't seen "An Inconvenient Truth" go see it. This stuff is for real.

UPDATE: More links to Global Climate Change and forest fires here, here and here

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