Today President Bush used his first ever veto today on a bill designed to expand Federal Funding to new stem cell lines. Keep in mind that these lines would have been created from excess embryos from in vitro fertilization clinics which will be destroyed eventually anyways. This was a bill supported by Nancy Reagan and many very conservative Republicans such as Bill Frist (TN) and Orrin Hatch (UT).
"Each and every one of us began as an embryo," said Sen. David Vitter, R-Louisiana. "Therefore, I firmly believe that [neither] Congress, independent researchers nor any human being should be allowed, in effect, to play God by determining that one life is more valuable than another."
But Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, a staunch opponent of abortion, said the bill is promotes life by encouraging research.
"I believe we are aiding the living, which is one of the most pro-life positions you can take," Hatch said.
Is our press going to ask him when he plans on banning IVF and expose his hypocrisy? I wouldn't hold my breath. The Republican War on Science continues.
UPDATE: For some good information on stem cell research see here. 66% of Americans are for embryonic stem cell research. This isn't a right vs. left issue. The American people overwhelmingly want stem cell research to go forward. The will of the people has been shot down.
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