Temperatures across the nation are reaching record highs as we are hit with a massive heat wave. So check your cage temperatures and adjust accordingly. Be extra diligent about making sure animals have shade in sunning pens.
The East Bay Vivarium is one of the largest reptile specialty stores in the Nation. We offer the most diverse selection of reptiles in the U.S. with quality service and experience. Our inventory includes snakes, lizards, turtles, frogs, tarantulas and much more! Not only do we offer healthy, high quality animals, but we also have all the supplies you need to keep your herp healthy and happy. This blog is a place where we can share a little EBV culture and interesting item of herps in the news.
Thanks for the weblog! I have it bookmarked, and check it for updates twice a week.
As a new snake owner, I was appreciative of the heads up about monitoring temperature as the outside temerature goes up, I just assumed the snake would take it along with me. How about more tips?
(Also, as a fellow webdesigner, I know it's always a goof thing to find out that someone is looking at the site!)
Thanks for reading. I'll try to make a weekly tip a feature of this weblog.
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