California Assembly Bill 2862 is a poorly written animal welfare bill. Although it's authors probably have good intentions and many of the provisions in the bill are worthy, there are numerous provisions that would be very harmful to reptile breeders and keepers.
Major areas of concern for reptile owners are the provisions relating to rodents (ie. banning sale of all non-weaned rodents). According to the PIJAC
"In fact, some of the anticipated amendments are worse than current language. For example, new language would require each hamster to be placed in its own cage. Another poorly crafted and ill- conceived change would effectively require veterinary care for such animals as brine shrimp. "
A recent response from the Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council can be found
If you are feeling up to your democratic right to be properly represented by your state legislature contact your local representative. Others you might want to contact include members of the Business and Professions Committee who hear this bill in committee.
Contact info:
Senator Sam Aanestad 916- 651- 4004
Senator Liz Figueroa- 916-651 -4010
Senator Bill Morrow - 916-651- 4038
Senator Joe Simitian- 916-651 -4011
Senator Dean Florez - 916- 651- 4016
And just so it is clear, we do not oppose much of this bill, and appreciate animal welfare. We do this because we love animals, not because we like to eat puppies. But California Assembly Bill 2862 is a mis-guided attempt to stop those who practice immoral animal husbandry.